The prize ribbons for the Velveeta Cheese Box Challenge are ready! They will be awarded for the top four favorites by popular vote. The boxes will be on display Friday and Saturday at lunch in the hotel lobby. Please place your vote for your favorite. Please just vote one time--how hard will that be--just one vote. Favorites will be announced around 7:00 on Vendor Night and ribbons will be awarded.During Vendor night, the boxes will be on display and a Silent Auction will begin. Sign up for a bidding number at Susan and Bonnie's table. Be sure to place your bid and keep a watch on it in case someone out-bids you while you shop!!! You will write your bid on a ballot placed next to the box. The creator of the box which recieves the highest bid in the auction will be awarded the Paper Cowgirl 2011 Trophy for raising the most money for the Tina Wright Scholarship Fund. Trophy winner will be announced around 8:00. Total donations earned for the fund will be announced and awarded to Tina's daughter Nicole. Bring your $$$ and jump into the bidding so we will have a generous donation.
Please get your box to Susan Skinner Thursday afternoon or night. I'll post my room number and cell number so we can connect. If you can't on Thursday, please bring it to lunch in the lobby on Friday. I'm so excited to see the boxes. The sneak peeks we've had are fabulous! I know the rest will be just as great!Susan Skinner
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Details of Velveeta Box Auction, Gals!!!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
SWAP Partners LIST
Cathi makes for Judy
Judy makes for Linda
Linda makes for Debi
Debi makes for Shannon
Shannon makes for Cathi
Susan makes for Mendy
Mendy makes for Susan
One change, due to a dropout - all parties have been notified:
Shannon makes one for Dina Kellogg
Judy Johnson makes one for Shannon
Dina makes one for Judy
Bonnie Bernardi - Cami Dilsaver
Suzie Button - Kristi Day
Jennifer Babcock - Laura Crudup
Susan Jose - Cassie Fisher
Sherryl Hofener - Betti Zucker
Lisa Phillippi - Susie Moore
Trisha - Jennifer Barnes
Marie Jenkins - Debi Maerz
Cathi makes for Judy
Judy makes for Linda
Linda makes for Debi
Debi makes for Shannon
Shannon makes for Cathi
Susan makes for Mendy
Mendy makes for Susan
One change, due to a dropout - all parties have been notified:
Shannon makes one for Dina Kellogg
Judy Johnson makes one for Shannon
Dina makes one for Judy
Bonnie Bernardi - Cami Dilsaver
Suzie Button - Kristi Day
Jennifer Babcock - Laura Crudup
Susan Jose - Cassie Fisher
Sherryl Hofener - Betti Zucker
Lisa Phillippi - Susie Moore
Trisha - Jennifer Barnes
Marie Jenkins - Debi Maerz
Nametag One-to-One Swap
Mendy Mitrani makes a tag for
Jennifer Babcock
Jennifer Babcock makes a tag for
Susan Jose
Susan Jose makes a tag for
Betti Zucker
Betti Zucker makes a tag for
Marsha Albee
Marsha Albee makes a tag for
Susan Hahaj
Susan Hahaj makes a tag for
Jennifer Barnes
Jennifer Barnes makes a tag for
Jodie makes a tag for
Laura Crudup
Laura Crudup makes a tag for
Kathy Scott
Kathy Scott makes a tag for
Judy Johnson
Judy Johnson makes a tag for
Kristi Day
Kristi Day makes a tag for
Phyllis Ann Shows
Phyllis Ann Shows makes a tag for
Dina Kellogg
Dina Kellogg makes a tag for
Jana Martin
Jana Martin makes a tag for
Debbe Lackey
Debbe Lackey makes a tag for
Cassandra Fisher
Cassandra Fisher
Cassandra Fisher makes a tag for
Mendy Mitrani
Jennifer Babcock - Debi Maerz
Susan Hahaj - Ginger Snap
Kathy Scott - Kristi Day
Jodie Alley - Marsha Albee
Debbie Lackey - Jana Martin
Betti Zucker - Marie Jenkins
Ann-Denise - Betty Leintz
Faithful Horse participants
(make a horse for each participant)
Cathi Bruni
Jana Martin
Shannon Martinson
Susan Hahaj
Charm Swap participants
(make two charms for each person signed up)
Betti Zucker
Cami Dilsaver
Debbe Lackey
Jana Martin
Kristi Day
Marie Jenkins
Marsha Albee
Susan Skinner
Trish ginger snap
Phyllis Snows
Jennifer Babcock - Debi Maerz
Susan Hahaj - Ginger Snap
Kathy Scott - Kristi Day
Jodie Alley - Marsha Albee
Debbie Lackey - Jana Martin
Betti Zucker - Marie Jenkins
Ann-Denise - Betty Leintz
Faithful Horse participants
(make a horse for each participant)
Cathi Bruni
Jana Martin
Shannon Martinson
Susan Hahaj
Charm Swap participants
(make two charms for each person signed up)
Betti Zucker
Cami Dilsaver
Debbe Lackey
Jana Martin
Kristi Day
Marie Jenkins
Marsha Albee
Susan Skinner
Trish ginger snap
Phyllis Snows
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Hi Gals, So let's get down to business of the actual day of swapping, ok?!! Yee-Haw!
So there are two types of swaps, there are one on one swaps and those are:
Inspiration Board
altered cigar boxes
The second type of swap required making multiples for each participant in that swap and include:
Charm swap
faithful Horse swap
Here's the SCOOP:
If you are in a MULTIPLE exchange swap, please get all those charms and horses to the HOST at the Meet and Greet, and if you're NOT attending the Meet and Greet to do that, please contact the HOST by name on this group by a message or email her if you know her email and let her know when you can bring those, on Friday or Saturday? This way there is no confusion about where all the swappers' pieces are.
If you are in a one to one swap you can hold onto your swaps until we actually exchange.
Here are those details:
The exchange will happen on MEET and GREET Night at the Dove's Nest. It will happen at
8 P.M. in the upstairs dining balcony. there will be an announcement for each swap to now go to this area for each swap. There will be up to 15 minutes for everyone to switch, one swap at a time.
If you are NOT there, please notice HOSTESSES that you need to write down to keep track of who in your swap did NOT pick up and then on Saturday at about 4 p.m. in the lobby of the hotel each hostess can put their items on a table and those who were not there or need to still do a one on one swap can do it at that table on Saturday. So gals, if you're doing a one on one swap and your partner is NOT there on Thursday night, don't panic, just bring it into the hotel lobby at around 4 p.m. and meet at the designated table to exchange.
So there are two types of swaps, there are one on one swaps and those are:
Inspiration Board
altered cigar boxes
The second type of swap required making multiples for each participant in that swap and include:
Charm swap
faithful Horse swap
Here's the SCOOP:
If you are in a MULTIPLE exchange swap, please get all those charms and horses to the HOST at the Meet and Greet, and if you're NOT attending the Meet and Greet to do that, please contact the HOST by name on this group by a message or email her if you know her email and let her know when you can bring those, on Friday or Saturday? This way there is no confusion about where all the swappers' pieces are.
If you are in a one to one swap you can hold onto your swaps until we actually exchange.
Here are those details:
The exchange will happen on MEET and GREET Night at the Dove's Nest. It will happen at
8 P.M. in the upstairs dining balcony. there will be an announcement for each swap to now go to this area for each swap. There will be up to 15 minutes for everyone to switch, one swap at a time.
If you are NOT there, please notice HOSTESSES that you need to write down to keep track of who in your swap did NOT pick up and then on Saturday at about 4 p.m. in the lobby of the hotel each hostess can put their items on a table and those who were not there or need to still do a one on one swap can do it at that table on Saturday. So gals, if you're doing a one on one swap and your partner is NOT there on Thursday night, don't panic, just bring it into the hotel lobby at around 4 p.m. and meet at the designated table to exchange.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
***~Apron Swap~***
Okay Gurls ....We only have a few signed up for the apron swap.......I will extend deadline to May 5th to get those last few in that want to take part!! Remember to go to the Yahoo site and sign up!! Rememeber...use an old apron or create a new and alter till your heart contents.....!
Thanks so much for your participation Ladies!!! See you in June!!
Thanks so much for your participation Ladies!!! See you in June!!
Just a couple of ideas!!!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
"Cowgirl Vintage charm swap"
Have you ever rummaged through grandma’s jewelry box or jeweled treasures at a flea market? Find joy in the beauty of old, well loved and worn baubles and trinkets, sheet music, lacy metals, flowers, gears, and magical beauty. Well now is your chance to use those vintage treasures! Join us in this fun and fabulous charm swap.
You will make TWO sets of charms per person one Art/creative charm and 1 filler charm
* You will keep 1 Art/Creative and 1 Filler for yourself (2 charms).
Art Charms/Creative Charms
One of your charms should be something creative and fun, an “art charm”.Suggested materials might include altered metal charms, altered beads and baubles, altered coins, stamped and altered metal pieces, Shrinky Dink plastic, polymer clay, metal accents such as photo hangers, eyelets, or brads.
Please keep the size UNDER the size of a US Quarter to make our bracelets or necklaces easier to wear. Also, please make sure that any wires or metals are smoothed so not to snag clothing.
Do NOT personalize your charms for the Charm Swap . We are doing this round robin style so you will not know ahead of time who’s charms you will be receiving back. If you would like to personalize charms for friends, please make extras and swap those on your own.
Filler Charms
The second charm is a "filler" charm. This charm adds a little more color, sparkle and bling to the bracelet and fills in the spaces between our artsy charms. This should be very simple, just a bead or a couple beads on a head pin or an eye pin.
Make Them Sturdy! Your charms should be sturdy enough to withstand normal wear and tear on a bracelet that will be worn. Paper items should be covered with some kind of sealer. ModPodge, liquid glass (please test to make sure ink does not run) – Judikins makes a very good sealer for paper art charms, laminating film, spray sealer, and even clear nail polish are all great options!
No Clasps/Hooks
Please attach "lobster claws" to your charms so they will can easily be attached to your bracelet or necklace.I usually use jump rings to attach charms but if you don't know how to solder this can be a issue. With the lobster claws you can remove and add the charm easily to anything with out damaging it.
Packaging (follow these instructions)
Help our swap angels sort and distribute your charms easily. Following these instructions is vital to receiving your swaps back quickly.
* Package your charms for the party in small baggies (sandwich baggies are fine).
* Put one of EACH charm in the SAME bag.
* LABEL your charms with your name and (optional) contact information. You can use a stick-on label, slip in a business card, or even just a small piece of cardstock with your name.
* AND THEN ** Put all of these in a big Gallon size ziploc bag, BOLDLY labeled w/your name.
Assemble Your Bracelets
Bracelets are not included in this Charm Swap. I thought it would be best if everyone brought their own "necklace or bracelet" to add your charms too. I will bring some extra chain for those who can't find or forget to bring theirs. We will be setting up an "assembly party" so be prepared for fun and laughs. You also may want to put a few of your charms on a pendant or pin instead.
** It is fun to take a group picture of all the bracelets and necklaces!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Last Push for Sign-Ups for The Inspiration Board Swap!
Hi Gals! I decided to set the sign-up deadline for my particular swap, the Inspiration Board, for May 9th and then I will on that day take and assign partners, so Giddy-Up on over to the comment section here on this posting AND/OR to the database on the Paper Cowgirl Yahoo group and add your name in to the records or just contact me at purrpage3 at verizon dot net to let me know you're interested! Maybe you're a mite confused on what this Inspiration Board Swap is all about?! So let me 'splain it to y'all...
Well, my thought was that we all are creative souls attending, and, thus, we most likely are very VISUAL souls too, so a board of inspiration would help to spark our creativity in our 'lil 'ol craft rooms, so, thus, this swap came to my mind to host....
I didn't want to HAVE to set the rules of the board you create has to be this or that style, you know, like it doesn't HAVE to be a Cowgirl theme at all! Or any such theme! BUT, I wanted you to spread your creative wings and to create with the person you'll be matched up with to THEIR style and taste, so there will be a sharing of your likes/ dislikes when you're paired up!
Here are a few more examples to make it clearer (than mud, that is!)...
Maybe your swap partner would be a minimalist type, this might be her style...
(Photo courtesy of Burlap & Blue blog and tutorial)
Maybe she likes the unusual touch and a handy way to cover up the details when needed...
(Photo courtesy of Crafty Nest)
I know my creativity is stoked by pretty fabrics, laces, vintage buttons, tulle, and most of all sparkle!!!!
So here is a board I created for myself...

I am adding to it as I find the time to create a pretty for myself!
So, if you've been on the fence...
It's time to jump off and sign up and see the creativity you'll give and receive from your fellow
Paper Cowgirls! Yee-Haw!
Remember, you can sign up by emailing me purrpage3 at verizon dot net, or by adding your name on the database (just go under swaps and click "add record" and put in your info!)
The deadline again is May 9th and I'll send out your partner's name for the swap the following day, May 10th!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Velveeta Cheese Box Paper Cowgirl Challenge, Contest and Auction!
We all love Velveeta cheese, the boxes really are iconic symbols of our childhood and takes us back to the kitchen table with a yummy orange macaroni and cheese plate before us...
Questions? Email me, Susan Skinner at sissyfox1 at yahoo dot com.
Now get Challenged!
And as Paper Cowgirl Artists, we can create ART now out of anything,
EVEN the box!
The challenge is laid at your craft table...
Here is one little sample of using an everyday item of a Velveeta Cheese box to create something else...The challenge will be to make something out of a Velveeta Cheese box. (2 lb size) It can be anything decorative or utilitarian. The main rule is that the bottom of the box (brown corrugated part) must retain it's form so that it will still be recoginzeable as a Velveeta box. You can cut holes in it, or take it apart and reassemble as long as it keeps its shape and app size. The lid can be used or not and can be cut up to use in any way. The lid should be incorporated into the design, not a seperate item.
{Photo courtesy of LollyChops}
Are YOU game?!! If so, please go to the Yahoo Database for Paper Cowgirls and add your name to the Velveeta Cheese box Challenge record there.The "entries" will be displayed at some point during PC so that everyone gets a chance to vote on their favorites. Winner will get a trophy (I found one at Warrenton) and a donated prize (depending what we get).Then on Vendor night, winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd...) will be announced, and a silent auction will be held for all the pieces with donations going to Tina's Scholarship Fund.
Questions? Email me, Susan Skinner at sissyfox1 at yahoo dot com.
Now get Challenged!
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