Sunday, June 5, 2011

Details of Velveeta Box Auction, Gals!!!

The prize ribbons for the Velveeta Cheese Box Challenge are ready!   They will be awarded for the top four favorites by popular vote.  The boxes will be on display Friday and Saturday at lunch in the hotel lobby.  Please place your vote for your favorite.  Please just vote one time--how hard will that be--just one vote.   Favorites will be announced around 7:00 on Vendor Night and ribbons will be awarded. 
During Vendor night, the boxes will be on display and a Silent Auction will begin.  Sign up for a bidding number at Susan and Bonnie's table.  Be sure to place your bid and keep a watch on it in case someone out-bids you while you shop!!!  You will write your bid on a ballot placed next to the box.   The creator of the box which recieves the highest bid in the auction will be awarded the Paper Cowgirl 2011 Trophy for raising the most money for the Tina Wright Scholarship Fund.  Trophy winner will be announced around 8:00.  Total donations earned for the fund will be announced and awarded to Tina's daughter Nicole.  Bring your $$$ and jump into the bidding so we will have a generous donation.

Please get your box to Susan Skinner Thursday afternoon or night. I'll post my room number and cell number so we can connect.  If you can't on Thursday, please bring it to lunch in the lobby on Friday.  I'm so excited to see the boxes.  The sneak peeks we've had are fabulous!  I know the rest will be just as great!
Susan Skinner